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CARING FOR YOUR SKIN AND HAIR. We know how important it is to choose the best when it comes to skin and hair. At Perfect skin care, we are specialized in Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. We believe in enhancing your beauty rather than changing you. It is a one-stop solution for various skin and hair issues like acne, hair fall, aging, unwanted hair, etc. Be simple acne or severe and complex skin disease, we make sure to give you the best results.

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Also known as Botulinum Toxin Type A, Botox is formed from the bacteria which cause botulism. The Botulinum toxin causes a reduction in muscle activity temporarily by blocking the nerve activity in the muscles. It is also used in treating severe underarm sweating. Certain eye conditions which have been caused due to nerve disorders are also treated using Botox. Botox is also used in cosmetic procedures to temporarily reduce facial wrinkles.

What is Botox?

Botulinum toxin is a protein extracted from bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is extracted and highly purified under stringent conditions before being used. When injected in the muscle tissue, it blocks the release of neurotransmitter acetyl choline at the nerve terminals. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter, which when released from the nerve endings, act on muscle endplate causing it to contract. When Botox blocks the release of acetylcholine, the nerve to muscle transmission gets blocked. Due to this effect the muscle gets relaxed and is unable to contract. This effect is clinically perceived as ironing out of wrinkles. It finds uses both in the field of medicine and cosmetology, some of which are listed below.

Botox-Indications And Uses

Commercial brands are marketed under brand of Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA), Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA), and Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA). In medicine it has been used over more than a decade to treat various conditions such as cerebral palsy, spasticity, overactive bladder, chronic migraine headaches etc. it also has been used extensively in ophthalmological conditions. It finds its uses both in adults and children. This points to the established safety of the product.

In cosmetology it has varied number of uses. It has been FDA approved for the treatment of forehead lines, lines around the eyes (crowns feet) and frown lines. Other indications include slimming of face (masseter injection), smoker’s line (around mouth), drooping lip angles, Nefertiti neck lift, excessive sweating of hands and feet etc. The treatment has grown extremely popular among the patients, due to predictable and satisfying results as well as minimal downtime involved.

Mesobotox is another form of botox treatment which is very popular among patients. It involves injecting diluted amount of product to reduce the appearance of fine lines and open pores. It also provides glow to the face and has a lifting effect.

It has become the most preferred non-invasive treatment to erase wrinkles and fine lines with minimal downtime.

How Do Wrinkles Form?

Wrinkles form as part of the natural ageing process. With ageing the epidermis becomes thinner and dryer. The dermis below which supports the epidermis becomes loose and sags. The collagen and elastin fibre network that forms a support system starts to break down. There is atrophy of the fat layer resulting in drooping of skin and formation of wrinkles.

They are of two kinds-Static and Dynamic. Static wrinkles also called as fine lines are seen on the resting face without facial expressions. These occur due to the breakdown of collagen fibres present underneath the skin. The network of collagen helps to keep the skin stretched out. Due to breakage of this network the skin becomes loose and fine lines appear. Ageing, genetic factors, UV exposure. Smoking are some of the factors that accelerate the appearance of fine lines. Botox does not have much effect on the static wrinkles of the face.

Dynamic wrinkles form as a result of overactivity of muscle fibres. The musculature of the face is responsible for the expressions that we emote. The wrinkles that appear on the face while facial expressions is are called dynamic wrinkles. Examples include, lines appearing at corners of the eyes while smiling, frown lines appearing on forehead etc.

Botox is used to predominantly treat dynamic lines of the face. These days, it is being viewed more as a preventive treatment, as a result patients wants to go in for the treatment at a younger age to prevent the development of wrinkles in the first place. Since the muscles get relaxed after the injection, it prevents the dynamic wrinkles.


Treatment is started after patient consent and documented clinical photographs of the treatment areas. Clinician use botulinum toxin by diluting it with saline. Numbing cream is applied 30-45 mins before the procedure to make the injection less painful. Effect of the injection starts in 5-7 days and reaches peak in 10-15 days. Duration of the procedure is 30 mins and the effect lasts 4-6 months. Make sure the procedure is done by an expert with proper training. At meraki skin clinic, Gurgaon highly trained professionals provide the treatment to give best results.

A trained professional is well versed with the dosing and the injection technique. This is vital to get the desired results as well as for minimal side effects. Since facial aesthetics differ in different patients it is important that you and your doctor are on the same page when discussing the desired results. Prior understanding of the results helps to establish a better long term journey.

Who can get botox treatment done?

The doctor after a through consultation decides who is the right candidate for the treatment and what results you can expect. Before the treatment detailed medical history of the patient is discussed to rule out any contraindications. It is important that you get the procedure done by an expert injector to get the best results.

When getting the procedure done for the first time, it is important that a detailed medical history is noted regarding any allergies, current or past medical treatments and procedures, any medications that the patient is undertaking. This is important to rule out any unforeseen events and to establish better trans piracy with the treating doctor.

Derma Fillers

Dermal filler is a gel made from a modified form of hyaluronic acid which is a natural complex sugar that occurs within our bodies. It diminishes as we age, making the skin drier, thinner and with less ability to fix itself. It works like your body’s own hyaluronic acid to help restore volume to facial features.

It effectively fills lines, folds, wrinkles and help to give fullness to cheeks, lips, jaws, and sides of the forehead. Even the hands can be rejuvenated using fillers. There is a wide range of fillers of varying density and duration of persistence. Depending on the nature of your worry and concern and the extent of the problem, we use the correct type of filler to smoothen out your skin making you look young and refreshed rejuvenating your appearance. The results are immediate and further correction will continue in the following two weeks. Filler once done will last for 12 to 18 months and may require repeat treatment after a period to maintain the desired aesthetic appearance.

What do I need to know before a Filler treatment?

Please do let us know if you are on any blood thinners, or diagnosed with an autoimmune disease or infection at the site of the proposed treatment or dental work done during the period between your consultation and the day of your procedure. Also, it is best to disclose to your doctor if any procedure, especially fillers have been done previously on your face.

Desired Outcome

This treatment approach aims to:

  • Reduce lines around the eyes
  • Lift, shape, and volumize the cheeks for a more defined look
  • Add volume to the hollowness of forehead and temple areas, lift and project the eyebrows and open the eye area
  • Correction of the sunken eyes
  • Add fullness to cheeks
  • Reduce a “tense” appearance around the mouth
  • Correction of smile lines and smooth marionette lines
  • Add volume to the lips, while forming lip structure
  • Contour the chin/jawline and reduce the appearance of a double chin
  • Smoothens necklines and revitalize the neck area
  • Improve overall skin quality and hydration

Dermal Filler After Care

  • Be gentle with your face for the first several days.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise for 24 to 48 hours.
  • Avoid hot water, steam, or direct sun on your face for 2-3 days to prevent excess swelling.
  • Avoid direct pressure or massage on the injected areas of the face for at least one week.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking for 48 hours
  • In case of lip filler, kissing is not recommended for 48 hours
  • At the time of sleep, it is advised to lie straight position for two days
  • Avoid bleach/makeup applicators like sponge and brush for the next 12 hours as it may cause a burning sensation at the points of the needle prick.
  • Application of any medicated creams on the skin to be done only 48 hours after treatment unless told by the doctor.
  • In case of any bump, rash or any other observations after the procedure has been done, please inform the facility immediately, so as to enable timely intervention.

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